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The Parent-Teacher League of
St. John Lutheran School
and St. John Early Learning Center
invites you to the second annual:


Friday, November 22, 2024
St. Patrick's Parish Hall, Battle Creek
Doors open at 6:30 pm, Trivia begins at 7:15 pm

ALL the Information!

Who is able to attend?

All family, friends, teachers, alumni, grandparents, community members, and anyone else who is willing to support the work of St. John Ministries (St. John Lutheran Church, School, or Early Learning Center) is welcome to attend! Everyone (21 and over) is invited to attend the St. John Trivia Night!

Who and or what is my team?

Your team consists of you and (up to) your seven best friends (or random strangers). Either way, a team is eight people who will sit at the same table and work together to answer all of the trivia questions! Each team will need a Team Captain who will receive all communication from the Trivia Night Chancellor between now and the event. All team members must be 21 years of age or older.

There is no minimum number of people on a team, but all teams can be no larger than 8 people. Teams are encouraged (but not required) to decorate their tables - or even coordinate outfits - for any theme of their choosing.

How does this “trivia” thing work?

The trivia will consist of 8 thematic rounds of 10 questions. You and your team will write your answers to the questions using answer sheets provided. In between each round the answer sheets will be collected and scored. Updated scores and rankings will be displayed between the rounds as well. After all sheets are collected, the answers to the round will be shared as the round is scored.

Additional rules and procedures will be explained before the first round of trivia.

How do I register?

Click on "Register Your Team" to go to the registration form. You do not need to know the names of all your team members at the time of registration (you will be able to edit your registration form once you know your team members). However, space is limited, so do not wait to register--it may be too late!

How much does it cost?

Cost is $200 per team, and must be paid in advance. Your registration will not be complete until the registration fee is submitted. After submitting your registration, you will be directed to the online payment option to pay your registration fee (or, click on the "Pay Registration Online" button). If you would rather pay with cash or check, please drop off your payment at any of the offices for St. John Lutheran School, St. John Lutheran Church, or St. John Early Learning Center (checks made payable to St. John, memo: Trivia Night).

The night of the event, each team will be able to purchase the "Cheater's Bundle" - eight Multiple Choice passes and one Free Pass. The Multiple Choice passes allow a team to give a second option as an answer to the question - if either is correct, your team will get the point for that question. The Free Pass is a single-use pass that allows your team to get a free point on any single question throughout the night. 

What's the incentive?

The team that scores the most points by answering the most questions correctly will WIN.
Prizes are as follows:

First Place Team: $400 (double your money)

Second Place Team: $200 (win your money back)
Last Place Team: ???

**Additional prizes will be awarded throughout the evening.

Or, if money and glory isn't your main motivator, you can always have your team set the goal of beating Mr. Onnen. There's no monetary prize, but you will be able to gloat over it for the next year.


What if I am hungry or thirsty?

There will be food and a cash bar!

Your team is welcome to bring in any additional snacks or non-alcoholic beverages for your table. Additional snacks will be available throughout the night at no charge


Where is the money going?

The Parent-Teacher League of St. John Ministries is an organization that supports the staff and students at both St. John Lutheran School and St. John Early Learning Center. Funds that are raised through the Trivia Night event help the teachers purchase items for their classrooms, sponsor theme shirts each year, and offset costs for events such as Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads, and the school Christmas pizza party.


Any other questions, please contact the Trivia Night Chancellor Steven Whitney:

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