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Adult Ministries

Bible Study

Weekly Bible Study is held during education hour Sunday mornings hour from 10:30-11:30 am in the church parish hall.


New Members

New member classes are offered twice per year.  These classes offer an overview of our faith and introduce participants to the ministry opportunities of
St. John.  Find out more...

WINGS (Women In God’s Service) exists to honor and worship God, encourage and support women, grow in our faith together as we share the gospel and use the gifts he has given us to serve him and others.

WINGS meets the last Thursday of each month and include a devotion/Bible study and prayer.  We have a business agenda followed by a dessert and social time.  


WINGS welcomes women of all ages.

To find out more, contact Sarah Tillman @ 402-302-4623 or Deborah Sunderman @402-750-2447.

Small Groups

Small group Bible Studies take place throughout the year.  Often, groups meet in a home to discuss God's word, pray, and grow with other believers. Find out more...


St. John offers many ways to get plugged in.  See how was can serve you, and how you can become a part of our community.

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© 2017 by St. John Ministries
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